Blessings in Christ, 

I hope and trust that this weekly update finds you all blessed and prospering. I know I surely am encouraged as I see more and more people getting out of the confines of quarantine, businesses opening up, and a decrease in the advancement of the Coronavirus. Praise God as He continues to bring us through these trying times and into much more fruitful ones. Please know that the BPBC Leadership Committee continues to examine and ponder our current situation with care and caution, all the while planning and preparing for what’s to come. 

Regarding the pandemic: The CDC has recently issued new guidelines for those who have received vaccinations. While we are still reviewing how all the details might work out at BPBC, relying upon the honesty and responsibility of those who gather with us, those who have been vaccinated and have followed the CDC guidelines for their well-being, may remove their mask while gathering with us (indoors and outdoors). We ask for continued social-distancing and healthy hand washing/ hygiene to be maintained. 

I have a few resources and further announcements to share in this update.

Tomorrow’s, 5/22, Saturday Morning Bible Study is canceled. Instead, I invite you to join me and others at Heckscher State Park – Deer Range Pavillion (Field 2)from 9:30 AM – 3 PM for the United Methodist Mission Walk & Picnic. Visit the following link for more information and to register,

This coming Sunday, 5/23 – we will have our Adult Sunday school at 9am in the Fellowship Room. If the weather is appropriate and as beautiful as it has been, we plan to meet outside for Worship Service at 10:30am (otherwise we will inside the BPBC sanctuary). Expect thoughts to be shared about Pentecost (as Sunday is the Jewish feast of Pentecost) and a continuation of the sermon series, Kingdom Kings. 

A few resources I have to offer for your edification this week are the following: 

I look forward to fellowshipping with each of you this Sunday as we gather for study, worship, and prayer. 

By His continued mercies, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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