Blessings in Christ, 

I trust that each of you had a week with ample opportunity to pray and trust for an increase in peace, justice and joy in our nation and our world (as was expressed about the beauty of motherhood this past Sunday). May God hear our prayers and give us full evidence of such answered prayer. 

I have a few announcements and resources to share.  

Tomorrow, Saturday, 5/15,, will not have have our Saturday Morning Bible Study because many of us from BPBC will be participating in the annual Great Brookhaven Cleanup. We will begin our cleanup of Blue Point Ave. at 9am and will end around 1pm. Following the cleanup, we will have hamburgers and hotdogs available at The Blue Point Bible Church (please see attached graphic). 

We will have our Adult Sunday school this Sunday, 5/16, at 9am (as we continue going through the Biblical prophet, Isaiah. Our Worship Service will be at 10:30am. Also, we will have our 6pm Common Prayer session. 

We did not have a Knowledge kNights this past Tuesday, however I know I was edified by the Preterist Power Hour from this past Thursday, 5/13. You can watch this week’s session at the following link,

Considering the current situation in Israel – Palestine, I have offered a blog as a link of some recent resources to better understand and thus pray for the current crisis, as well as a praise regarding the eschatology we hold (Fulfilled Eschatology aka Full Preterism). Visit that blog at the following link,

I hope to see some of you tomorrow for our cleanup, however, if not, I trust we will all be afforded the opportunity to fellowship, study, and prayer together, through the weekend. 

By His ever-renewing grace, 
Pastor Mike Miano 

By admin

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