Blessings in Christ, 

I trust that each of of you had a blessed week appreciating God’s presence in your lives. Through the last few weeks, many blessings and a few what to my human eyes seems like losses, I have been able to say (just as the song we sang for worship sang), “When I’m standing on the mountain, I didn’t get there on my own. When I’m walking through the valley end, no I am not alone!”. 

I have a few announcements and resources to share for this week.

We will have Bible study tomorrow, Saturday, 5/7 at 9am. 

This coming Sunday, 5/8 is Mother’s Day. We will not have our Adult Sunday School in the am, nor will we will our 6pm Common Prayer. However, we will have Worship Service at 10:30am, wherein we will highlight the celebration of mothers, and think through the authenticity that was intended by Mother’s Day. Mothers that join with us will receive a carnation as a gift. (See attached graphic). 

*If the weather is appropriate we will plan to meet outside. However, if the weather is not appropriate, we will gather indoors with social distancing in effect. 

Also, you will see an attached graphic for our participation in the Great Brookhaven Cleanup on Saturday, May 15th (9am -1pm). We will also have a BBQ following the cleanup at The Blue Point Bible Church. 

In our Adult Sunday School this past Sunday we listed to a Gary DeMar podcast regarding, “Is Full Preterism Heresy”. You can listen to that podcast again if you’d like at the following link,

Also, in that podcast, Gary mentioned another discussion /interview he had regarding many peoples preoccupation with erroneous eschatology. You can listen to that podcast on, Warriors and
Wildmen, (which I found to be edifying and encouraging),

You can watch a short prayerful video of Pastor Mike and Dr. Vicki Chua going through the National Day of Prayer proclamation and praying for our nation, which we did for National Day of Prayer at the following link,

We had an edifying session of Knowledge kNights this past Tuesday, as we discussed the “sword of the Spirit (Word of God) and the shield of Faith”. You can watch that session at the following link,

Also, Edward Howell and I hosted our weekly session of the Preterist Power Hour, wherein we mentioned and reviewed quite a few efidying and informative Preterist resources. You can watch that session at the following link,

Also, please consider reviewing the following link, which was an email and posted update that I had sent out with a few resources (some mentioned herein), this past Sunday,

I look forward to gathering and worshipping with each of you at some point throughout this weekend. 

For His glory alone, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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