Blessings in His Holy Name, 

I trust that God’s goodness and grace empowered you this week to look past the trials and tribulations of this world. Thank God for His continued faithfulness toward us, His people. While some of us are still mourning the passing of Samatha Young, we choose to renew our minds (cf. Romans 12:2) and allow all that we go through to provide growth within us, for the glory of God. 

I have a few announcements and many resources to share.

We will have our Saturday Morning Bible Study tomorrow, 5/1, at 9am. 

Sunday morning, 5/2, will begin Adult Sunday School at 9am. We will have our Worship Service at 10:30am, either outside if the weather is appropriate, or otherwise inside with social distancing. 

I love resources that aim to edify. That being so, I have a few links to share (much of which I detailed to our Wednesday Night Praise, Prayer, & Bible Study group). 

Here is a link to this week’s Knowledge Knights session, wherein Edward Howell and I discussed Feet Prepared With Gospel Peace,

First, I offer praise to God that I received an email this week informing me that my article (which is hosted on Academia – a professional social networking site), Replacing The Resurrection, is reaching a larger audience. One of the main reasons for the boost in audience is because Stephen Whitsett (whom I debated back in 2016) has begun responding in an Academia article. The two links below are my article and Stephen Whitsett’s article.

Edward Howell has been diligent in finding and utilizing edifying resources. He has recently been mentioning the Don Preston app (which you can download on your phone). At the following link you can learn more of what that app has to provide (and if you are interested, I can teach you how to download it on your phone). 

Another useful app is Live By Truth, wherein you can gain access to not only Don Preston resources, The Blue Point Bible Church, The Power of Preterism Network, and so many other blessed ministries. Visit the following link for more information in that regard. 

Lastly, earlier this week, Gary DeMar, whose teachings and writings most of us are familiar with, did a podcast on the topic – Is Full Preterism Heresy?. You can listen to that podcast at the following link,

I look forward to our fellowship, study, and worship this weekend. Also, I will be providing a 2021 May Monthly Calendar this Sunday. 

By His grace, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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