Blessings in Christ, 

I trust that each of you had a blessed week. Today is World Book Day, so I also hope that you have found time today to read through and/or finish a book, or as  I posted on social maybe, maybe even “the Good Book”.  I myself am looking to finish reading, Give Me This Mountain, by Tim King. 

A few resources and pertinent announcements for this week.

While we did not have a Knowledge kNights session this week, Edward Howell and I did complete our detailing the “Feasts of the Lord” on the Preterist Power Hour. You can watch this week’s video podcast of Preterist Power Hour, wherein we talked through the goal of Bible prophecy, the presence of God, the 8th day, and more about the Feast of Tabernacles,

We will have our Saturday Morning Bible study tomorrow, 4/24 at 9am. 

Also, to further our appreciation of the planet, as we celebrated with Earth Day yesterday,  Deacon Ed and a few of us are looking to do a hike in Palisades Park tomorrow, 4/24. We are aiming to leave the church parking lot around 10:30am. Another email will be send besides this one to those on our email list, however, you can learn more about the trip by visiting the following video link, and/or calling or texting Pastor Mike Miano (239 -603-5695),

Deacon Ed usually maps out the trip rather well for us, allowing to to see the best of what the area might have to offer, and of course allowing us to find our way back our cars, however, you can view more details and maps about the Palisades at the following link, 

Lastly, as an upcoming opportunity for us to highlighting the beauty of environmental concern and care, we are planning to participate in the Great Brookhaven Cleanup on Saturday, May 15th, 2021, which will also be followed by a BBQ at The Blue Point Bible Church (a graphic and Facebook invite will come provided soon). 

I look forward to fellowshipping with each of you at some point this weekend. Maybe it will be Bible study in the am, or you joining us for our hike tomorrow afternoon, or on Sunday for  at Adult Sunday School at 9am or Worship Service at 10:30 (which it seems will be indoors due to expectation of rain). 

By His ever-renewing mercy, 
Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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