Prayerfully, you had a GOOD Friday.  Are you part of the 82%?  Apparently, 82% of people invited to worship services will come, but only 2% of church goers invite friends and loved ones. Invite someone to celebrate the Savior this coming Sunday – be a part of the 2%. We are planning an outdoor worship service (weather-permitting) this Resurrection Sunday, otherwise we will gather indoors at 10:30am. Please pray with us for good weather! 

A few announcements and resources for your awareness and edification this week. 

We will have our Saturday Morning Bible Study, tomorrow, 4/3, at 9am.

As mentioned above, we will have our Resurrection Sunday worship service this Sunday at 10:30am. We will NOT have Adult Sunday School. 

Also, the Sunrise Easter Service at Corey Beach hosted by Bayport United Methodist will be happening at 6:30am. If you choose to attend, please bring a chair. More information can be found at the following link,

Earlier this week, I shared a bit about the “breastplate of righteousness” on the new Tuesday interactive video podcast, Knowledge kNights, that I host. You can watch that video at the following link,

We did not have a session of the Preterist Power Hour due to a Messianic Seder we did in person at BPBC, however, you can review my thoughts written around this time year regarding Passover in a blog titled, A Spiritually Discerned Passover. Click on the following link to be brought to that blog,

Instead of listing this week’s corporate praises and prayers, I want to encourage each of us to set our eyes on Him, the Author and Finisher of our souls (Hebrews 12:2), and to know that His is both sovereign and providential. Not only does He know all the prayers we prayed this past Sunday, but He knows the silent prayers, He knows the authentic prayers that hide in our minds and hearts (cf. Matthew 6:8). Trust in Him as we celebrate the reality of His power not only this weekend, but forever! 

I look forward to concluding our Holy Week with fellowship with each of you. 

By His all-encompassing power, 
Pastor Michael Miano

By admin

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