Blessings in Christ,
I trust that each of you had opportunity this week to enjoy the beautiful weather the Lord blessed us with (specifically speaking to our Long Island congregants). However, all of us, regardless of location, could surely demonstrate the power of abundant lives through the new season, or through a personal new season, as was exhorted in this past week’s sermon.
I have a few pertinent announcements and resources to share, so, as I hope you do weekly, please carefully read through this entire message.
First, I’d like to mention and share a new review I will be doing each week regarding my sermon. My Sunday Sermon Summary has already been emailed to those of you on the email list, posted on our website and YouTube page, and will be made available each week. Here is a link to this week’s review,
Tonight, Friday, 3/26, we have an XD Movement session regarding making vision charts. Along with making a vision chart, you will be invited in to participate in coffee and tea tastings. Consider joining us tonight at 7pm.
Tomorrow, Saturday, 3/27, we will have Bible study at 9am, however we will cut our study short to 10:15am.
Then, we will go to Patchogue Train station to set up for The Attic’s Free Spring Pop-Up Shop at the Patchogue Train Station. Our give-away event will take place from 11am – 2:45pm. Please see and share the graphic below.
This Sunday, 3/28, Palm Sunday, will gather for Adult Sunday school at 9am and we will have Worship Service at 10:30am. Palm fronds will be available to those who gather with us.
This past Tuesday, 3/23, I did not host our Knowledge kNight session online. However, yesterday’s, 3/25, Preterist Power Hour was fruitful as we talked through the Feast of Atonement. You can watch that video podcast at the following link,
We surely have a blessed and busy weekend set before us. I hope to fellowship, study, and worship with each of you at some point throughout it!
For His glory and the edification of the saints,
Pastor Michael Miano