Greetings in His Holy Name, 

I pray that each of you had a fruitful week, especially taking note of the presence of Christ with us, as we prayed about using St. Patrick’s Breastplate at the closing of our worship service last Sunday. I was grateful that many of us had a good time celebrating St. Patrick on Wednesday, highlighting of course the fiery passion we are called to have regarding God’s love and warming comfort. 

I have a few announcements and resources to share. 

Tomorrow, Saturday, March 20th, we will have our Saturday Morning Bible Study at 9am. 

Also, please take note that tomorrow is the first day of Spring. Ask God to give you a stir regarding a new season in your life. 

This Sunday, March 21st, we will have our Adult Sunday School at 9am and worship service at 10:30am. 

Here are a few resources from this past week:

Following is this past Tuesday’s session of Knowledge Knights, a new study session I am offering on Tuesday nights at 8:30pm. This past Tuesday we focused on “the knowledge of salvation”. Here is the link,

Also, here is a summarizing blog I wrote up following discussion on the podcast regarding our “helmet of salvation”,

We did not have a Preterist Power Hour this week. However, we look forward to an in-depth discussion next Tuesday night at 6:30pm regarding the Day of Atonement. 

Lastly, we have been studying through The Final Decade Before The End in our Saturday Morning Bible Study. Earlier this week I put together a blog summarizing where we are at in our study and quite a few resources to accompany the study. Here is the link for that blog,

I pray the resources provided are edifying and that we might all have opportunity to fellowship at some point this weekend. 

By His continued faithfulness & mercy, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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