Blessings in Christ, 

It is my sincere hope that each you, through the blessings and the burdens of the week, felt Christ’s presence with you. I trust that many of us, and more after this update, are in prayer for the Schilling’s as they mourn the passing into eternity of their friend, our friend, Ann. Also, Andy’s aunt, Dinora, passed into eternity this week as well and we keep his family in our prayers. As the Scripture says, which I mentioned in my message this past Sunday, “”For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.”. 

Earlier this week we rang the BPBC bells 500 times to highlight the 500,000 lives lost in the United States to the Coronavirus. Our bell ringing was to signify our prayers for the friends and family of the suffering and those who have suffered. You can listen to the bell rings at the following link,

While we we will have Saturday morning Bible study tomorrow at 9am (2/27), unfortunately we have to cancel and postpone the Attic’s Winter Pop-Up Shop that was planned to be provided at the Patchogue Train Station (due to expected poor weather). This will afford us more time for planning and prayerfully another event in 2 weeks or less. 

We do plan to gather this coming Sunday, 2/28, to complete the month of February with our Adult Sunday school at 9am and our  Worship Service at 10:30am. 

I do have a quite a few resources that I believe a few of you will be edified by. 

I mentioned the following article regarding a summary of Isaiah in our Adult Sunday school for the last few weeks. You can read the article, Before You Read Isaiah, at the following link,

Here is a link to a short summary regarding our Adult Sunday school,

At the following link you will be able to listen to this past Tuesday’s (2/23) NCMI Live,

Lastly, here is a link to this week’s, 2/25, Preterist Power Hour,

I look forward to studying and fellowshipping with many, if not all, of you at some point this weekend.  Also, be sure to get an updated copy of The Daily Bread this weekend at The Blue Point Bible Church. 

By His ever-renewing mercy, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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