Tonight, Tuesday, February 23rd, 2021 at 5:30pm, the historic Bible Church in Blue Point, New York will ring their bells 500 times (1 time every 10 seconds for 1 hour and 24 minutes) to mark the Coronavirus death toll exceeding 500,000 in the United States . This depressingly demonstrates the fact that in one month we have far exceeded the 400, 000 deaths we rang the bell 400 times for (January 19th to be exact). This staggering reality should urge each of us to be praising God for those medical professionals and healthcare workers on the frontlines, to be in prayer for those who have suffered and for those suffering, as well as give each of us pause regarding our precaution and safety against furthering the spread of this virus.

We extend an invitation to those who might want to join us for this time of prayer, reflection, and bell-ringing at The Blue Point Bible Church (on the corner of Blue Point Ave. & Maple St. in Blue Point), as well as encourage those at home, whether they hear the bell tolls or not, to maintain the same somber, prayerful attitude. We will start promptly at 5:30pm et.

May God continue receive our praises, hear our prayers, and heal our land.

For His glory, Pastor Michael Miano

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