Blessings in and through our Lord Jesus, 

I hope each of you had a week wherein you were able to stay warm physically and feel the warmth of Christ’s love in your heart. Last Sunday’s sermon, namely maintaining an unlocked heart and knowing what is hidden in my heart, has continued to edify me throughout the week. I hope you can say the same! 

We began the Lenten season this week. I sincerely hope some, if not all, of you have marked out self-examination, growth, and challenge to be had during Lent. I shared a Lent update earlier in the week. You can read that and learn more about Lent Madness at the following link,

Also, we had an excellent and edifying time on the Preterist Power Hour yesterday with Dr. Don K. Preston, Elvin Israel, and Monster Boss joining us as guests. I am working on a summary of my notes from the podcast, however in the meantime you can watch the podcast on YouTube at the following link,

We have been watching the weather and making in-person gathering decisions based on safety and warmth. If the weather is appropriate we plan to have tomorrow’s, 2/20 – Saturday Morning Bible Study will be at 9am. Also, we plan to have in-person worship services this coming Sunday, 2/21. We will have Adult Sunday school at 9am. Our worship service will be at 10:30am. Please keep an eye on your emails and the church website for any updates in these regards. 

I hope and trust that these updates and resources are edifying. I look forward to our fellowship in study and worship throughout this weekend at The Blue Point Bible Church. 

By the expansive love of God, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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