Blessings in Christ, 

I hope that each of you had a blessed week, namely by staying warm physically, and feeling the warmth of Christ in your hearts as you continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of God. May each of us rejoice in our communion with a eternal legacy of Believer’s in Christ, through His Church. 

I have a few announcements, resources, and of course our weekly praises and prayers to share. 

First, here is a link to our February Monthly Calendar (sorry it’s a bit delayed),

We will have our Saturday Morning Bible Study tomorrow, 2/13, at 9am. 

In reviewing this past week’s teaching efforts, I have a link for and announcement regarding our Adult Sunday school. This past Sunday, while it was unfortunate that we had to cancel in-person worship services due to forecasted weather conditions, but our efforts online were fruitful. For example, instead of having our new launch of Adult Sunday School at 9am as was planned, we went completely virtual and even had a brother from Tennessee join our study session through Isaiah chapter 1. Here is the link to that study,

We will meet this coming Sunday, 2/14, at 9am to continue our study through the book of Isaiah.  I have decided that we will offer online participation in our Adult Sunday School online through video and the YouTube chat. Please visit and subscribe and encourage others to visit and subscribe to The Blue Point Bible’s YouTube page. Simply look up – The Blue Point Bible Church. 

Both podcasts of NCMI Live and Preterist Power Hour from this week were focused on Jesus’ discussion with the Sadducees regarding the resurrection and marrying and giving in marriage. I have put together a blog with both of the links for those podcasts and some other prayerfully edifying details on The Power of Preterism Network’s blog, which you can find at the following link,

I look forward to our in-person studies, fellowship, and worship this weekend. May God continue to show us His blessed hand in answered prayer. 

By His ever-renewing mercy, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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