Blessings in Christ, 

I sincerely hope and pray that each of you had a good start to the month of February. God willing, some of you started the Acting-Out-Acts challenge and are seeing the fruit of fellowship and evangelism in your life. May we each endeavor to examine ourselves, seek growth, and pursue challenges in our discipleship. 

I have a few announcements and resources to share. 

Tonight at 6pm est., I will be LIVE on Sound of Heaven Radio (airs on LI News Radio – 103.9) with Johnny Ova & Jason D’Ambrosio. I will be sharing more of my testimony regarding how the good news “freaked me out” and how my discipleship has continued by way of a “zeal empowered by knowledge”. * This comes on the heels of my completing the audio book for Freaked Out By The New Covenant (which will be available for purchase next week) and the beginning of my writing my next book, Kingdom Kings.


Also, here are ome resources for your edification that I offered up this week: 

2020 Review of Studies blog –

This week’s NCMI Live session –

This week’s Preterist Power Hour –

We will have our Saturday Morning Bible Study this Saturday, 2/6, at 9am. 

We had been planning to restart our Adult Sunday school this Sunday, 2/7,  at 9am.  However,  BPBC Leadership is keeping an eye on the weather for Sunday, as it has been forecasted that a wintry mix might disturb the am commute and in the case we will consider going online. Please stay tuned in to your emails and texts for updates in that regard. 

Weather permitting, I look forward to our study, fellowship, and exhortations to be had this weekend at The Blue Point Bible Church. If you do not join us for Saturday mornings, I look forward to seeing you Sunday for our restart or Sunday school at 9am or worship service at 10:30am. 

By His ever-renewing mercy, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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