Blessings in the holy & righteous name of Jesus Christ, 

It has surely been a challenging and enlightening week, and prayerfully each of us can say we have sought first, above all, His kingdom and His righteousness in our words and endeavours. As many of us continue going through out 21 day ‘Encounter’ fast, I pray that you feel the presence of Christ all the more. Today’s reading from our Encounter booklets was Psalm 34:8-10, “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him. Fear the Lord, you his holy people, for those who fear him lack nothing. The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.”. Amen. 

I have a few announcements and quite a few edifying resources to share.

I had mentioned a 5-fold ministry conference happening online this week in which Pastor Johnny Ova from Sound of Heaven (someone we actually know) was speaking. You can watch and rewatch the video teachings from that conference at the following link (and no, you do not need Facebook to view- just scroll through and click on the videos),

Also, this past Sunday I preached about our 2021 theme of self-examination, growth, and challenge (#2021SGC) and I wanted to provide you with links to some of the resources I had mentioned that I imagine will be edifying and encouraging: 

#BeingChristian exams –

2 Peter 1 Growth Chart –

We had a great session talking through ‘redemption’ this past Tuesday on NCMI Live. You can watch the video podcast at the following link,

We did not have a Preterist Power Hour this week. However, I did share a few links/resources for your edification regarding the “Feasts of Israel” that I did a few years ago and had forgotten about. Enjoy the 3-part series of “Feasting Not Fasting” by clicking on the links below: 


(Part 1)

(Part 2)

(Part 3)

And of course these will be added to our ‘Ongoing Resource’ regarding the “Feasts of Israel” on The Power of Preterism’s blog page. Visit the following link to gain that resource,

We will have our Saturday Morning Bible Study tomorrow, 1/9 at 9am. 

I also look forward to gathering for worship this Sunday, 1/10 at 10:30am. Please be mindful of and thinking through things of importance regarding our Annual Meeting which is on Friday, 1/29 at 7pm. 

To God be the glory, forever and ever, 
Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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