Blessings in Christ, 

First and foremost, I’d like to let you all know that I prayed for our congregation at midnight, and ask God that not only His hedge of protection stay around us, but also that each of us will experience blessings in the year to come. I do hope that this email finds you in a good place mentally and Spiritually, and that you are keeping your Spiritual fervour (cf. Romans 12:11). 

I have a few resources and announcements to share. 

Tomorrow, 1/2 – We will have our Saturday Morning Bible Study at 9am. 

Tomorrow evening, 1/2, at 6pm we will have our second Winter Bonfire. This will be a time of fellowship over hot cocoa and exhortation regarding continued to death self and life in Christ as we move into the new year. 

This Sunday, 1/3, is the first Sunday of the year, what I usually mark out as “Vision Sunday”. Surely it’s a great and beautiful thing to find ourselves worshipping the Lord together on the 1st Sunday of the month and the year! We will have our Worship Service at 10:30 and I will be sharing thoughts regarding ways we can be blessed by allowing self-examination, growth, and challenge into our lives.

As I have already mentioned to a few of you, I will be participating with other churches and Long Island Christians in a fast called ‘Encounter’ starting Monday, January 4th. I will share more on Sunday, however the following link is chock full of insights, ideas, and resources for you to give the Lord 21 days of focused fasting (and it doesn’t have to necessarily be food). Here is the link,

Also, in the Spirit of “keeping Christ in Christmas”, even past the traditional date of December 25th, we are continuing to teach through details of the Christmas accounts in Luke on NCMI Live. This past Tuesdays podcast was the beginning of what I see to be a great study through Zachariah’s prophetic words in Luke chapter 1. You can view these weeks NCMI session at the following link,

I look forward to studying, fellowshipping, and worshipping our mighty God with each of you this Sunday, especially as we celebrate moving into 2021. 

By His ever-renewing mercy, 
Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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