Blessings in Christ, our Lord, 

Prayerfully, your week was filled with opportunities to bless others with your words and actions, as of course we meditate upon our being blessed by His Word and actions. Only 3 more Sundays until our celebration of the birth of Christ! 

A few pertinent announcements. Following those announcements I’ll share our weekly corporate praises and prayers. 

This past Tuesday was “Giving Tuesday”, and a few donated to Operation Christmas Child by packing boxes through our sub-site. If you choose to donate and/or share the link, here it it,

For our session of the Preterist Power Hour, myself and Edward Howell continued to talk through and summarise details about Passover. You can listen at the following link,

Another worthy study resource that has recently been put together for the edification of the saints is Daniel Rogers new website, . I encourage you to visit the website, listen to audio podcasts, watch videos, and read through the articles Daniel has provided. 

We will have our Saturday morning Bible study at 9am this Saturday, 12/5. 

Also, we are doing our “BPBC’s “Separate But Together” Harvest Dinner this coming Saturday, 12/5 between 5:30pm – 7pm. You are encouraged to visit the following link, plan our your dinner with family and friends (maybe even another member of BPBC), use the Common Prayer outline, and join us for online fellowship at 8pm. All of that information and more at the following link,

We will continue to gather inside the building on Sundays at 10:30am, until further notice. We do ask that all adhere to the social-distancing measures and mask guidelines that we have posted throughout the building. Also, visit this link for more details about Winter Gathering at BPBC,

I look forward to hearing about our individual celebrations of the “Harvest Dinner”, and of course, fellowshipping with each of you at some point this weekend. May His Mercy be abundant and seen in our lives. 

By His Grace, 
Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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