Blessings in Christ,

I hope and trust that each of you shared some form of fellowship and sharing of thanks to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday. I can surely say it was an exhaustingly joyous reality for me full of thanks, family, friends, fellowship, service, and fun. Here are some pictures from my Thanksgiving – food, family and the extending of my table by giving away 6 plates of food to those who expressed desire or need: 

 I have a few other exciting pictures and details to share for this week’s update. 

We packed 47 boxes for OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD this past Sunday, Nov., 22nd. I am grateful for each of you who participated in the donating and packing, and God was surely glorified. Here are some of the pictures from our time together (more can be found on Facebook): 

Also, thank you to those of you who have so far either donated online or packed a box online. Please continue to share the following link to encourage others to donate as well,

Following our Saturday Bible Study last week, 11/21, I posted an article about ‘resurrection of the dead’ that was published through the New Covenant Network. You can read that article, ‘Same Hope As These Men – Resurrection’, at the following link,

Another resource I typed up this week that I imagine some of you might find edifying is a book review on Mark Batterson’s latest book, Double Blessing. You can read my review at the following link,

We will have worship service at The Blue Point Bible Church tomorrow, 11/29 at 10:30am. Unless the weather is out of this world beautiful, we will be gathering inside the building, social distancing and wearing our masks appropriately and properly according to the  guidelines. 

As a summarised corporate praise, prayer, and thanksgiving for this week – 11/22 – 11/29, we make mention of our continued prayers lifted up by prayers warriors such as Elder Steve H., Dr. Chua, Kathy, Edward, the Johnston’s, and Pastor Mike. We also prayer for specific brethren we haven’t seen in a bit – Pastor Steve & Olivia, Kevin & Denise, Michelle, and Jack and Denise. Specific prayers of comfort and peace for the family of Jackie Staeheli as they mourn her passing into eternity, and for Wayne and Terri, and their extended family as they mourn the passing of Wayne’s mother, . May mighty God be exalted and praised for His continued faithfulness to us as a congregation, especially as it pertains to His fulfilled promises and His continued provision of answered prayer. 

We lift these things up, as well as others things that remain in our hearts and minds, in the glorious name of Jesus Christ. 

I look forward to fellowship with each of you at some point, either in person or online, this weekend. 

By His continued mercy and strength, 
Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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