May the Lord’s face shine upon you, 

I do indeed hope that my beginning blessing is your daily reality. We have so many blessings to mine in our eternal live’s in Christ Jesus. As we move toward what is traditionally referred to as Reformation Day (Oct. 31st), may we continue to celebrate those who have been convicted by necessary change and worked toward making that change happen, especially in regards to the Christian faith. Who comes to mind for you? And why? Another aspect of reformation should be our diligent examination of our lives in the faith and making necessary changes to further glorify God by our being effective and fruitful in the use of the knowledge of God. This morning’s devotion from Max Lucado said it like this, “How vital it is that we keep a finger on the pulse of our own lives”. 

Prayerfully the recent sermons I have been sharing in regards to conviction have helped you in that regard and have further edified you in the faith. You can review those sermons preached on Sunday, and also encourage those who might not be able to join us physically to view along with our livestream (the stream begins Sundays at 10:45am) at the following YouTube page. Please also ‘subscribe’ the the channel, (or just look up Blue Point Bible Church on YouTube). 

A few resources for your edification for this week, along with some announcements for the weekend. 

Here is this week’s podcast of NCMI Live,

Here is a link to this week’s Preterist Power Hour,

Also, being that tomorrow commemorates Martin Luther’s efforts at bringing reformation to the Christian Church, I want to share a few resources I have offered up in regards to reformation in the Christian Church, which I continually preach should be “ever-reforming” and we all play a part! 

2013 blog regarding reformation and our efforts at The Blue Point Bible Church –

2016 article for Fulfilled! Magazine regarding reformation and end time’s views –

Tomorrow, 10/31, we will have our Saturday Morning Bible Study at 9am. We will continue studying through Ed Steven’s book, The Final Decade Before The End. 

This Sunday, 11/1, we will have our worship service art 10:30am (again, our livestream begins around 10:45am). The weather will determine whether we meet outside or inside. Please bring a coat, as it is also sometimes a bit cold in the church sanctuary. We will offer and celebrate The Lord’s Table this first Sunday of the month. Following our worship service, we will have a membership/attendee meeting regarding plans at The Blue Point Bible Church for the next couple months and into next year. We ask all who can stay after to stay after. 

I look forward to fellowshipping with each of you at some point this weekend. 

May we continue to see His glory, each day. 


Pastor Michael Miano 

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