Blessings in His Holy & Righteous Name, 

I pray that each of you found some time to rest and enjoy the week, thereby giving praise to God as we move toward the end. I have a few resources and announcements to share. I will not, however, be sharing this week’s corporate praises and prayers. I admittedly seem to have misplaced my bulletin. However, please continue to keep our nation, Dr. Vicki Chua, and Meredith’s brother, Bob in your pertinent prayers. Also, thinking of Rita, Gavin, and Karen as well. 

We will have Saturday morning Bible study tomorrow, 10/17, at 9am. We are continuing our study through Ed Steven’s book, The Final Decade Before The End. 

A few study resources for this week: 

This past Tuesday, we continued to review the question “Why Are Youth Leaving The Faith In Droves”, on NCMI Live. You can watch that podcast at the following YouTube link,

Another resource I imagine many might find edifying, is that I have put together a video summarizing all three of the sermons I preached under the series title, “Like David Did”. You can watch that sermon summary and study at the following YouTube link,

Please continue to prayer mightily for answered prayer regarding the many petitions we have lifted to Him. All that we mighty further exhibit the fruit of our responsibilities and praise, a sacrifice of praise. 

By His ever-renewing grace, 
Pastor Michael Miano

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