Blessings in Christ, 

I trust this update finds each of you having a prayer-filled and productive week. As today closed our the Jewish feast of Tabernacles, may each of us relish our identity in Christ and the provision of God’s presence that provides. I have a few updates, including our monthly calendar. 

First, I’d like to provide a link to an October 2020 “monthly calendar”. You will notice I marked out opportunities for you to be edified through my ministry in person at The Blue Point Bible Church, as well as online. Here is the link,

We will have our Saturday Morning Bible Study tomorrow at 9am as we continue to study through Ed Steven’s book. The Final Decade Before The End. 

We will also have our Sunday morning worship service this Sunday at 10:3am. Thus Sunday, 10/11 we will begin meeting at 5:30pm for our Sunday evening Common prayer session. 

Here is a list of a few resources/links I think you mind find edifying: 

This week’s program of NCMI Live with Ward Fenley, Michael Miano, and Edward Howell talking through “Why Our Youth Leave The Faith After High School?”. Here is the YouTube link,

This past Thursday, Caleb Graham and Michael Miano continued talking about interpretation insights on the Preterist Power Hour. Watch #10 of Preterist Power Hour at the following YouTube link,

Preterist Voice (Allyn Morton) has released/updated a new podcast website for your edification – If you visit the ‘From The Scholars’ section, you can listen to an interview with former pastor, Clair Chandler regarding his book, Immortalizing Evil. ‘From The Scholars’ can be found at the following link,

I look forward to studying with, fellowshipping with, and worshipping with, each of you at some point this weekend. 

To God be the Glory, 

Pastor Michael Miano

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