Blessings in Christ,

I trust that each of you had a week filled with prayer, empowerment, and increase in all that glorified God and edifies you. May we continue to see more of His glory as we come to the end of the week. 

I have a few pertinent announcements and resources to share. 

First, I’d like to thank and update all that were praying regarding Dr. Vicki Chua. I am glad to say she is home and resting now. She even mentioned having a good night’s sleep last night.  Please pray that the pain she was feeling will continue to go away, and go away completely. I am still waiting on updates from sister Meredith regarding her brother Bob. And also, as many of you already know, President Trump and his wife have contracted the Coronavirus and could very well use our prayers. 

Caleb Graham and I did our weekly Preterist Power Hour last night. You can watch the session at the following link,

Also, as many of you know, tomorrow’s Saturday Morning Bible Study, 10/3, has been canceled because I am participating in a virtual 5k allowing with others regarding raising awareness and donations for ECLI. ECLI works with survivors of trauma such has human trafficking, domestic violence, sexual assault, incarceration, homelessness, substance abuse, mental illness, poverty, gang and community violence. To raise awareness and funds, I will be hiking the beautiful Sleeping Beauty Mountain in the Adirondack Mountains starting tomorrow at 9am. The trail is anywhere between 5 to 7.5 miles. I will be sharing prayer posts, pictures, and other updates throughout the day on social media. If you would consider supporting my cause, please visit the following link,

We will be gathering on Sunday, 10/4, for Worship Service at 10:30am. The weather will determine whether we meet outside or not. 

I look forward to seeing each of you this coming Sunday! Also, our monthly calendar will be available by Saturday night/Sunday morning. 

Blessings in His wonderful mercy and grace, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

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