Blessings in His Righteousness, 

I hope this week, especially as we noted the change of season of Tuesday (Fall), has provided ample opportunity for you to praise God. We had great and God-glorifying attendance this past Sunday for National Back to Church Sunday. I know many were encouraged and edified. May God continue to build our congregation as He sees fit. Some pictures from this past Sunday will be attached to this update. 

I have a few announcements and resources to share. 

For resources I have two links. The first one is review of and links for the recent Caleb Graham debate regarding the ‘resurrection of the dead’ with Mike Holloway. The second link is to a compiled review of Beyond Creation Science (sermon I preached, study guide, and other informative links). 

Tomorrow, Saturday, September 26th, we will have our Saturday Morning Bible Study as we continue going through Ed Steven’s book, The Final Decade Before The End. Hopefully, you will consider joining us at 9am. 

This Sunday, September 27th,  we will have our Worship Service inside the building at 10:30am. Please wear masks and observe the social-distancing/safety measures we have put into action while gathering inside the building. Also, it might be worth mentioning that you bring a light sweater or something to ease the wind-chill (due to the fact that the windows will be open and the fans going). 

Also, this upcoming Monday, September 28th, we will have an XD Movement session at 7pm at The Blue Point Bible Church. Pastor Michael Miano will bring us through a short teaching session and review of the book, Tools of Titans, and offer discussion. We will also have a time of trying exotic drinks such as Kava, Kratom tea, CBD Lemonade, Civet Coffee, and many other drinks. Regular coffee and refreshments will also be available. Please see attached graphic. 

I look forward to studying, worshipping, and fellowshipping with those whom the Lord brings to gather with us throughout this weekend. 

By His mercy, 
Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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