Blessings in Christ Jesus,

I hope this week afforded each of you opportunity to lift up abundant praise to our mighty God of grace and love. And of course, to grow in knowledge of Him. Many of you know I am going through the Bible in 90 days, and even if that’s not your reading plan of choice, I do hope you have some sort of reading plan in effect. Be blessed by the reading and studying of His Word! 

I was encouraged that the Suffolk County Legislature recognized today, 9/11, as Patriots Remembrance Day. Legislator Anthony Piccirillo asked that we join him and others in prayer and reflection, …for all of the innocent brave men and women who lost their lives, for their loved ones, those who witnessed the attacks in person, those who are battling and have perished from 9-11 related illnesses” said Legislator Piccirillo. May each of us find time to lift up such prayers at some point today. 

Also, the month of September has been marked out as National Recovery Month. On the heels of International Overdose Awareness Day, which was August 31st, we continue to pray for those stuck in addiction, those going through recovery, as well as prayers and praises for families who have been effected by addiction, and overdose, as well as those who have played a part in helping loved ones toward sobriety. I had the privilege of praying with other community leaders recently and it was shown in the newspaper (see below). 

A few resources produced this week for your edification. 

On Tuesday, 9/8, I had the privilege of joining Ward Fenley on his weekly YouTube program, NCMI Live. You can watch the session and read a bit about it at the following link,

Also, we had recently completed our reading through and study of the book, Beyond Creation Science. I have since compiled a 62- page study guide to go along with said reading. That will be attached to this email and/or available at a later time through 

As for announcements; 

Tomorrow’s, 9/12, Saturday morning Bible study is canceled. I will be attending an event to prepare for Operation Christmas Child. 

This coming Sunday, 9/13, we will take a different focus than our Kingdom Foundations sermon series, and instead focus on review of Beyond Creation Science. A study every Christian should be familiar with. Weather permitting, we will be outside. 

I trust the resources mentioned herein will be a blessing and I look forward to gathering for worship this coming Sunday at 10:30am. 

To God be the glory, forever and ever,

Pastor Michael Miano 

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