Blessings in Christ, 

I hope this week afforded you ample opportunity to relish in your identity as His chosen and to have a high regard for His presence. Prayerfully, our current sermon series, Kingdom Foundations, is encouraging you to examine and our build these necessary foundations in your lives. 

A few announcements 

We have decided to cancel tomorrow’s Outside Worship Service due to poor weather concerns. Therefore, please consider participation in the following online schedule: 

9am – Facebook LIVE

10:30am – Youtube (The Blue Point Bible Church’s Youtube page)

12pm – Zoom Fellowship (session id – 698 689 7086)

6pm – Zoom Common Prayer (same session id as above) 

  • Also, we will share in communion tomorrow during our Zoom fellowship session. So please bring your elements (a bread substance and a liquid substance) to the online session.

Our August 2020 ‘Monthly Calendar’ will be available on the website by tomorrow, Sunday morning. 

As many, if not most of you know, I started a new live program with Caleb Graham, blogger at, this week titled, Preterist Power Hour. Unfortunately, we had a few technical difficulties, however we were able to put together 2 video presentations for this week. Visit the following 2 links:

I look forward to worshipping with each of you online tomorrow. 

By His ever-renewing grace, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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