Blessings in Christ, 

I sincerely hope that each of you had a blessed week and found ample opportunity to say, “Speak Lord, your servant is listening”. Having a sermon series detailing “Kingdom Foundations” is one thing, allowing the foundations to have an effect in our corporate church community, and in our individual lives, is a whole other thing. Prayerfully, you implement and see the fruit. 

A few study resources and announcements. 

A few of you had asked for a copy of the article by Mark Batterson I shared in last weeks service. Here is a link to that article titled, “Happily Forever After”,

I had mentioned our completing our going through the Book of Acts in our Saturday Morning Bible Study. The following link will provide you with study resources, details, and notes from that study,

I had also mentioned doing ‘Resurrection Reviews’, going through my various resources on the topic of the resurrection of the dead (in anticipation of my upcoming August debate on the topic). You can watch and find the mentioned resources in ‘Resurrection Review #1’ at the following link,

Tomorrow, Saturday, 7/25, I will be sharing thoughts and study through the topic of the ‘resurrection of the dead’ at 9am. Bring your thoughts, questions, and comments for our time of fellowship & study. 

Sunday, 7/26, we will continue our meeting OUTSIDE for Worship Service at 10:30am. Also, updates for our Leadership and Outreach Committees will be provided.  

I look forward to fellowshipping with each of you at some point this weekend, whether it is Bible study or worship service. 

By His ever-renewing grace, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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