Blessings in Christ, 

Good afternoon, my brethren. 

Just this morning in Common Prayer, I read the following words of Stephen Covey, “Whatever is at the center of our life will be the source of our security, guidance, wisdom, and power”. I hope that our recent sermon series “Kingdom Foundations” has been highlighting that and helping you examine what is centre of your life. What foundations do you have in place to build a Christ-centered life? I pray you have had ample time to think through these details this week, and God willing, have had opportunity to share the blessings and importance of prayer and proper response to God with others, this week. 

I have a few announcements and mention of edifying resources to share. 

Our Saturday Morning Bible study for tomorrow, 7/18, is canceled as we plan for our next study, The Final Decade Before The End. I will be posting a review of our study through the Book of Acts to the church website, later tonight or early tomorrow. 

Our recorded sermons have been updated and placed on the website, for your review and sharing. Simply visit the following link, where the sermons are kept from oldest to newest,

I am currently reviewing how we can maximise the effectivity of mine and our online efforts, namely my personal podcasts and our studies, sermons, and fellowship at The Blue Point Bible Church. What days and nights might be best for others to be able and interesting in viewing live podcasts? How and when would be most beneficial to post, and in some cases offer live fellowship, details and studies, from The Blue Point Bible Church? As I mentioned at our most recent Semi-Annual Meeting, I believe we have the imperative to care for the online community interested in our expression of “a thinking faith” to the best of our ability. 

Lastly, please remember we are still collecting the list of non-perishables I had mentioned a few weeks ago for The Neighbor’s Inn’s efforts of feeding the needy in Patchogue. 

I look forward to fellowshipping with each of you, and bringing forth more insight regarding “Kingdom Foundations”, as we gather outside at The Blue Point Bible Church this Sunday at 10:30am. 

By His ever-renewing mercy,

Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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