Blessings in Christ, 

I hope to hear that each of you enjoyed your week and found opportunity to grow in Him. Tomorrow, 7/4, we celebrate independence and freedom as Americans. I am praying that each of you enjoy the day, find time to praise  and celebrate the freedom we have in this nation, but most of all, reflecting upon and celebrating our freedom in Christ. 

A few important announcements as we move into the first weekend of July. 

Tomorrow’s,  Bible study, 7/4, is canceled. 

First, here is a link to our Monthly Calendar (hard copies will be available at our worship service on Sunday),

Also, we will be starting a new sermon series this Sunday called “Kingdom Foundations” which will bring us through 1st & 2nd Samuel. Please see attached graphic. 

As an outreach opportunity, I have talked with some from the Patchogue Neighbours Inn soup kitchen workers who have been giving out a bagged lunch and groceries to those in need, and they gave me a list of needs. Please consider donating one or more of these items simply by bringing it with you when we gather for study or worship service. These are the needs:  Canned Pasta –  Tuna Packets or cans –  Small Bottles of mayo –  Tuna Salad Snack Kits (come with Crackers & Relish) – Nutri grain Bars – Chewy Granola Bars – Small bags of chips or cookies that come in multipacks –  Capri Sun or Kool Aid – Crackers that have cheese or peanut butter between  them – Fruit cups –  Pudding or Jello Cups

Lastly, as most of you know I will be participating in a debate with apologist Chris Date in August (see attached graphic). I have put together a blog of all my resources regarding the ‘resurrection of the dead’ and I ask each of you  to review them and let me know any strong areas or weak areas that need to be expounded upon. Here is the link,

I look forward to seeing most, if not all of you, this Sunday, as we continue to gather outside for our worship service at 10:30am. 

By His ever-renewing grace & mercy, 

Pastor Michael Miano 

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