Blessings in Christ, 

I hope this week has afforded you opportunities to seek strength in and through the Lord, as I preached about last Sunday. 

I have a few announcements and resources to share. I will also share our corporate praises and praises as of this past Sunday at The Blue Point Bible Church. 

Tonight, 6/19 we continue the TPPN online Bible conference, “Review & Redeem” at 7pm. Tune in simply by going to and following the instructions. 

Tomorrow, Saturday, 6/20, we will have our Saturday Morning Bible study at 9am, wherein we are continuing our study through the book of Acts and finding contemporary application as well as marking out context. 

Also on Saturday, later in the afternoon and evening, the TPPN conference will continue. Ending with a collective Zoom session wherein anyone can join for fellowship and Q&A. 

This Sunday, 6/21, is Father’s Day. We will have an encouraging Father’s Day message from the Book of Ruth and will have small gifts for the fathers that gather with us. 

Also, please mark your calendars regarding our BPBC Semi-Annual Meeting that we will have at 7pm on Friday, June 26th. 

Lastly,  I hope each of you have continued to read through your 2 books for the Bookies Bookclub and are prepared to begin sending in your 2 paragraph book reviews in order to win that $150 gift basket raffle. 

I hope you all will continue to be edified by the conference happening this weekend, and of course that I will have the opportunity to fellowship and study with you through our studies and worship at BPBC.

By His ever-renewing grace,
Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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