Blessings in Christ Jesus, 

I trust each of you had a good week and hope that you took time to discern the Spirit’s influence and work in your life, especially as we embraced a new month thinking through the value of Spiritual disciplines (which I preached about last Sunday.). I know many of us are excited to fellowship in person this coming Sunday, 7th, at 10:30am. Just this morning I put together this promotional video for our upcoming outside worship service. Please take a moment to visit the following YouTube link, 

I’d like to share some edifying resources and important announcements. Many of you know that Dr. Don Preston debated Sam Frost this past week. Here is a link that will give you access to those podcasts,

Also, I hosted a variety of guests this week on thew #TeamPRETERIST podcasts to talk through some of the more recent debates in regards to Full Preterism. At the following link you will be able to view those video podcasts,

Prayerfully, each of you marked out some bookies to read for the month and are going to participate in our 3 months Bookies Bookclub challenge. See the attached graphic. Reading 2 books a month, and submitting 2 two paragraph reviews for the next 3 months will enter you into a raffle to win $150 in gift cards. For children under the age of 16, each participant will receive a mini-pizza party.  

Tomorrow, 6/6, our Saturday Morning Bible Study is canceled. The day will be devoted to BPBC property maintenance. If anyone would like to get some time out and help clean up the property of BPBC, consider joining me sometime between 9am and 4pm. 

Lastly, for those who are interested and feel conviction to get involved with the recent protests, there will be a peaceful protest in Sayville this Sunday, 6/7, at 1pm at the Common Ground. See attached graphic. 

I look forward to seeing many of you this Sunday. Please continue to maintain caution and wisdom in the midst of these current times, especially as we each demonstrate peace, justice, and joy with our lives. 

In Service to Him,
Pastor Michael Miano 

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