Blessings in Christ, 

I hope each of you had a blessed week full of prayer, reflection, and study. I know I have sought to use this time opportunistically and to redeem the time, yet cannot help but be a bit anxious to begin physically gathering again. Throughout it all I have continued to praise God that we have not had any losses and major issues related to the current pandemic among our congregation. 

A few announcements for this weekend and some things to come. 

Many of you may have heard that Governor Cuomo has begun ushering in phase 4 of the NYS on Pause which is allowing for worship services to begin happening in person. Along with Governor Cuomo, our BPBC Leadership has continued to emphasize we will do this with caution and wisdom. We have set the date of Sunday, June 6th at 10:30am to be our beginning to meet together. We will have an outside, under a tent service, and will maintain social-distancing guidelines. Masks will be encouraged. Until then we will continue to use the online forums we have been using. 

I trust each of you will have a safe and healthy Memorial Day weekend. 

Tomorrow, 5/23, we will have our Saturday Morning Bible Study at 9am on Zoom. Use the “Meet Me At Church” codes available on the home page of the our website. 

This Sunday, 5/24, we will maintain our usual Church ONLINE schedule. 8am live on Facebook, 10:30am – Facebook & Website video available, 12pm Zoom fellowship, and 6pm Common Prayer Conference Call. 

Two resources I would encourage you to view, to be edified by and learn of a host of other resources, are the following links: 

New & Improving video podcast – L.I.F.E. w/MGW –

Review of John Maxwell’s book, Leadershift (which accompanies thoughts shared in last weeks sermon) –

I look forward to fellowshipping with each of you in some way or fashion this weekend. 

By His ever-renewing mercy,
Pastor Michael Miano  

By admin

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