Blessings in His Holy Name, 

I trust that each of you have had a week wherein you searched our opportunities to seek and pursue peace, justice, and joy. If not, the week is not over. May we partake in the double blessing of birthing peace, justice, and joy into the world, and thus experience it ourselves. 

I have a few resources and announcements for our edification this week. 

Prayerfully, those of you who either are interested in evangelism and outreach, or serve on the BPBC Saturation committee, saw this week’s committee updated. If not, please visit the following link to learn more about evangelism and outreach at The Blue Point Bible Church,

One of the exciting ministry opportunities I mentioned in that update was a way for each of us to continue evangelism and discipleship in our own neighbourhoods through the Bless Every Home website. At the following link you will be afforded the opportunity to sign up and pray for, care for, and share the Gospel with your neighbors, 

We had a great Wednesday Night Praise, Prayer, and Bible Study this week. Bible teacher, Ward Fenley, joined our session. You can review parts 13 and 14 of our study through Beyond Creation Science at the following link,

Tomorrow, 5/16 – we will have our Saturday Bible Study on Zoom at 9am. We are looking at Acts chapters 13-14. 

From now on, you can join in all of our Zoom study sessions, “meet me at church”, with the following Zoom ID and/or link, 

Meeting ID – 698 689 7086

Meeting LINK –

This Sunday, 5/17 – we will continue to offer our BPBC Worship Service online. At 8am you can watch through Facebook LIVE, 10:30am you can watch on Facebook or through our Church Online tab at 

Also, along with our morning online worship service, we will have our 12pm Fellowship Zoom session, simply following the Meeting ID and/or link above, “meet me at church”. And at 6pm we will have our Common Prayer Conference Call. Call (515) 604-9988 and the access code is 961175.

As many of you might know, the BPBC Leadership Committee has begun talks about possibly beginning to re-open for in-person studies and worship services beginning the 1st Sunday of June. Please stay tuned in to the website and email updates. 

We did not have our weekly corporate praise and prayer session this past Sunday, therefore we lift each individual we gather with in prayer, their families, for peace, protection, any necessary healing (physical or emotional). Continued prayers for the fearful, frustrated, and faithless in this midst of this current pandemic, along with praise for all essential workers, including but not limited to medical staff, janitorial staff, caregivers, public transportation, public services, and many others. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 

I hope you all will be joining me when you can for our various study and fellowship opportunities this weekend and/or will be blessed and edified by our online worship service. 

With love and praise,
Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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