Blessings in and through Jesus Christ, 

I hope this update finds each of you praising God and redeeming the time. I hope to share a few edifying resources with you, announcements, and our weekly  corporate praises and prayers. 

At the following links you can access; 

Announcements for this weekend: 

Tomorrow, 5/9 – at 9am we will continue our study and discussion in the Book of Acts on Zoom. The meeting id is 697 639 287. Or, you can click on the following link to join the session,

Sunday, 5/10 is Mother’s Day. We pray for mother’s and hope our worship service will be a blessing and an encouragement. We will have our live Facebook Worship Service on The Blue Point Bible Church Facebook page and it will then be available on the church website by 10:30am ( *We will have our 12pm Fellowship Zoom session but our 6pm Common Prayer Conference Call will be canceled. The Zoom information is on the church website Church Online tab. 

I look forward to fellowshipping with many, if not most, of you this weekend throughout our online opportunities. Prayerfully the details in this email were edifying to your life in Him. 

By His ever-renewing grace and mercy,
Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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