Blessings in Christ, 

Prayerfully each of you are doing well and seeking opportunities to glorify God and seek healing for those around you in the midst of these current times. I know I have continued to pray for each of us, as all of us have been affected by this pandemic in some way. Praise God that each of you who gave to our food drive a few weeks ago were able to play a part in the feeding of families that took place in East Patchogue this past week. The pictures of me and Andy delivering the food to Angels of Long Island are attached. 

I have a few announcements and resources to share.

Tomorrow, 5/2 – we will have our Saturday Morning Bible Study on Zoom at 9am. We will be reviewing and talking through our reading in Acts chapters 9-12, namely regarding the ministry of the Apostle Peter. To join the study, simply use the following meeting id (697 639 287)or click on the link,

Here is the link to the video and study outline from last week’s Wednesday Night Bible Study,

This Wednesday, 5/6th, we will have our study on Zoom as we move into discussions regarding chapter 18 of Beyond Creation Science. The Zoom ID number is (816 946 011), or click on the following link,

Our May 2020 Monthly Calendar will be posted on the church website by Sunday, 5/3. 

I look forward to fellowshipping with each of you this week through our zoom and conference call session. Please continue to pray and redeem the time. Also, this Sunday, we will celebrate The Lord’s Table during our 12pm Zoom fellowship time. Bring your elements as we examine ourselves. 

In Service to Him,
Pastor Michael Miano 

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