Blessings in Christ, 

I hope each of you had a blessed week and took opportunity to grow in the grace and knowledge of God. I have a few edifying resources to share, as well as announcements and our weekly praises and prayers. 

Not only do I have a link for a L.I.F.E. w/MGW podcast, but in accordance with “World Book Day”, which was Thursday, I have a book review as well. Visit the following links:

Also, I am excited to provide a “Sermon Series” tab on our website, where you can now go and listen to the complete sermon series I have preached since I have served in the pastorate at The Blue Point Bible Church. There are also some guest sermons, along with the Gift of Song, Responsive Readings, and more. Visit the following link (or) click on the new “Sermon Series” tab on the website,

Some announcements for this weekend into next week are as follows; 

Tomorrow, 4/25 – we will have our Saturday Bible Study on Zoom at 9am. We will be reviewing and sharing our thoughts on the story of and the importance of the Apostle Paul’s conversion, which we read about in Acts chapter 9. Join our session by using the following link and/or Meeting ID,

(Meeting ID 697 639 287)

Prayerfully, you have been making use of the Church Online tab on our website and not only have had the opportunity to watch the sermons, but also to join us for fellowship on Zoom at 12pm and the Common Prayer Conference Call at 6pm. If you have not, I pray you might consider doing so this Sunday. 

Also, we will have our Wednesday Night Praise, Prayer, and Bible Study on Zoom this coming Wednesday, 4/29. The Meeting ID is 816 946 011 and the following link will bring you there,

I look forward to studying and fellowshipping with each of you this weekend, whether through the provided opportunities, or through text and calls. 

May He continue to prosper each of us, 

Pastor Michael Miano   

By admin

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