Blessings in Christ, 

I hope that each of you had ample opportunity to express “resurrection power” in your life this week, namely maintaining a hope-filled perspective during this time. While some of us may have concerns during this time, and rightly so, may each of us be spiritually-discerned and find comfort in prayer and His mighty strength. It has been a blessing to fellowship with those of you that I have been able, whether it’s phone calls, emails, or Zoom sessions. This week sister’s Terri and Kathy celebrated their birthday (today is Kathy’s birthday), so we keep them in special prayers of blessing and isolated celebrations of joy. 

I have a few announcements to share along with our corporate praises and prayers as of last Sunday. We will continue to remain self-isolated and are not physically gathering at The Blue Point Bible Church until at least May 15th. Please keep your eye on the church website ( and your email, for updates and opportunities to keep you engaged to our expression of “a thinking faith”.


We will have our Saturday Morning Bible Study (continuing our discussion through Acts chapter 8 – “the Ethiopian Eunuch”) tomorrow, 4/18, at 9am. Please considering joining us on Zoom for that study. Use the following link and (meeting id – 697 639 287),


Prayerfully, you have been able to access the Sunday Worship Services that have been being posted by 10:30am on the website at the Church Online tab. This past Sunday I had preached the sermon LIVE on Facebook live and was glad to report over 140 listeners just that day alone. Glory to God! I will go live again at 8am and a “watch party replay” at 10:30am on the church Facebook (* you do not need Facebook to watch). Simply click on the following link,

If you do not catch the live session or cannot access Facebook, simply go to the church website at 10:30am, and you will be able to watch the uploaded video.  

We also offer a time of video fellowship at 12pm through Zoom and a Common Prayer Conference Call at 6pm. All of that information is available at the Church Online tab on the church website. 

This past Wednesday, we had our Wednesday Night Praise, Prayer, & Bible Study (going through chapter 16 of Beyond Creation Science) on Zoom and it was such a blessing. We had a few from BPBC as well as Arizona, North Caroline, and even Canada. You can watch the video session at the following link,

We will have this upcoming Wednesday’s Praise, Prayer, & Bible Study, 4/22, at 7pm on Zoom. A short presentation regarding Earth Day will also be shared. Use the following link and (meeting id – 816 946 011), to access the study,

I sincerely miss fellowshipping with you all. May we continue being His light in a dark world by maintaining a posture of prayer and faith, and as much as we can turning disadvantage into advantage. 

Blessings in and through His perfect peace,
Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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