BPBC Leadership Committee Meeting

I.) Fellowship (How is everyone doing? How are you growing or need to be growing in this moment? What Scriptures come to mind?) 

  • “Spiritually discerned (cf. 1 Corinthians 2); “Take advantage of every opportunity (cf. Ephesians 5:16)”  
  • Fellowship & encouragement (Proverbs 16:24) & an increased trust His sovereignty (Matthew 6:34) 

II.) Old Business 

  • ReviveLI (Tuesdays @ 12pm on Zoom) – God’s sovereignty; “From a great God we expect great things”; plans change; Apostle Paul’s writing in isolation; opportunities to serve; “walk and talk”; enhance our Scriptural knowledge & application 
  • John Maxwell book and resources 
  • Bible Conference (October 2020; May 2021)
  • Food Drive

III.) New Business 

  • Online worship service (testimonies, gift of song, series based sermons, etc) 
  • TPPN efforts (constant advancement brainstorming & networking; #TeamPRETERIST; TPPN pastoral network; resources (podcast, blog, videos, and more…)
  • 1NE Church (Collaborating, Unifying, & Edifying)

IV.) Goals

  • Finish April well (Maxwell book, online services, plans for other ministry efforts) 

By admin

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