Blessings in Christ, 

Prayerfully, each of you had a  prayer-filled “Holy Week”, exercised good judgement (as per the sermon from Sunday), and have praised Him for making it a “Good Friday”. I have continually kept each of you individually and our church corporately in my prayers for peace and joy amidst these tryings times. 

I have a few important updates/announcements to share, also some study resources, and of course, our corporate praises and prayers as of last Sunday. 

First, while we are continuing to remain self-isolated and are not physically gathering at The Blue Point Bible Church or worship and work continues. You can see our April 2020 Monthly Calendar at the following link,

I will be posting a “Good Friday” message later tonight, 4/10, around 7pm, which will be posted on our Church Online tab on the website. You can simply click the following link to be brought there,

We will have our Saturday Morning Bible Study (continuing our discussion through Acts chapter 8) tomorrow, 4/11 at 9am. Please considering joining us on Zoom for that study. Use the following link and (meeting id – 697 639 287),

Also, our Resurrection Day/ Easter Worship Service will be posted by 10:30am on Sunday morning, 4/12. We will also have a time of fellowship on Zoom at 12pm and our Common Prayer Conference Call at 6pm. All of this and more at the Church Online tab at 

This upcoming Wednesday, 4/15, we will have our Wednesday Night Praise, Prayer, & Bible Study a 7pm on Zoom. Use the following link and (meeting id – 816 946 011), to access the study,

A few resources I had produced this week for your edification are a podcast talking through details from 1st century Jewish Historian, Josephus, regarding Passover, and a blog I wrote talking about “A Spiritually-Discerned Passover”. Please review these resources by clicking on the links below:

Well, I like many of you, look forward to the celebrating and recovery that will take place once all of this passes. As the Scripture reminds us, “This too shall pass”. May we continue to lean on Him and each other during this time and declare His faithfulness to a world that fails to see it. 

Blessings in and through His perfect peace,
Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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