Blessings in Christ’s name, 

First, let’s praise God that all of our flock at The Blue Point Bible Church seems to be healthy. It has surely been a bit different, dare I say difficult week, as we continue to self-quarantine and practice “social distancing”. I love what I heard another pastor say in a message earlier this morning, as Christ’s Church we are “scattered not shattered”. I do pray for have allowed this time and your habits to be effective and effectual for your growth in the grace and knowledge of God. 

As we continue to not have public services at The Blue Point Bible Church, prayerfully, most of you have been able to keep in touch through messaging, calls, and accessing our resources through updates and the church website. I have a few resources and interactive opportunities for your edification this weekend and into next week. 

Tomorrow, Saturday, 3/28 – we will have a live Zoom conferencing session at 9am. We will have a time of fellowship and study through Acts chapters 6-7, namely the witness of the 1st Christian martyr, Stephen. All you have to do is click on the following link and following the instructions on the screen,

While I uploaded our Sunday service a bit delayed last week, please know that by 10:30am this Sunday, 3/29 , our Worship Service (w/ a Responsive Reading, a song of worship, and a sermon) will be uploaded to our website and our church Facebook page on time. 

Also, we will have our Common Prayer Conference Call at 6pm on Sunday evening, just as we did last Sunday. The number to call is (515) 604-9988 and the access code is 961175. I look forward to praying with you on that call. 

This upcoming Wednesday, 4/1 – we will have our Wednesday Night Praise, Prayer, and Bible Study live online through Zoom. Please read chapter 15, take notes, and join us for the discussion. All you will have to do is click on the following link, and following the instructions,

Two study resources I’d like to encourage you to check out from this week are the following: 

Brother Ryan Cataldo, who I had the privilege of water baptising at The Blue Point Church a few years ago, wrote a timely article regarding “Beauty in the Midst of Crisis”. You can read that article at the following link,

Also, I put together another video and study outline for our Beyond Creation Science study (chapters 13-14). You can review both the video and outline at the following link,

Lastly, I hope that most, if not all of you, are on The Power of Preterism Network’s email list. An update was sent out this week chock full of edifying information and upcoming podcasts and resources. Please visit the following link to learn more,

I look forward to further interaction and fellowship through these online resources this week as we maintain healthy disciplines of social distancing. To God the glory! 

In and through His mighty grace,
Pastor Michael Miano 

By admin

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