Good evening.

I trust you are all doing well. I am grateful that I have been able to touch base with most of you during this time through various forms of communication. I was also grateful to pray with a few of you earlier this evening on our Common Prayer Conference Call. Glory to God.

Unfortunately, I am working with new software and didn’t anticipate how long a video would take to load. It just became available a few hours ago. I am providing the link to few a Responsive Prayer and exhortation, and worship song, and a sermon. Prayerfully, you will be edified, especially as we go through such a time.

Here is the link to the sermon,

Maybe you will give it a listen this evening and find time to worship the Lord, or, tomorrow morning turn it on and begin your 2nd day of the week with a Worship Service. Surely there is an ample amount of ministries making their sermons available online. Take advantage of this opportunity to grow in your knowledge of Him, search the Scriptures,  and prove all things.

Please keep an eye on our website as well as the provided discussion board I sent to each of you during the week for updates regarding all things BPBC.

By His continued grace and mercy,
Pastor Michael Miano  

By admin

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