Blessings. I have continued to keep all of our members and attendees, as well as the world at large, in my thoughts and prayers regarding good health, precautionary actions, and peace of mind. I trust you are all praying as well. Keep the faith, be comforted, we know and worship glorified unseen things.

As you all know, we have decided to close all services at BPBC until Sunday, April 5th – Palm Sunday. We, the BPBC Leadership Committee will continue to monitor the pandemic and made decisions accordingly. 14 days seems to be the current cancelation and self-isolation period. In the meantime, this has caused us to ramp up our online communication. A few days ago I sent out an email with a new online community forum for each of us at The Blue Point Bible Church and others who want to follow along with updates and interactive opportunities to participate in. Here is the link to sign up (by creating a username and password and providing your email),


Some study resources and interactive opportunities to look forward to in days to come:


Tomorrow, Saturday, 3/21 – I will be doing a live Bible Study on Acts chapter 5:12 – 6:7 on YouTube at 9am. Following the study about 12pm, the chatroom available on our new church group shared above will be open and prayerfully some of you might want to join the discussion.


On 3/22 – A Sunday Worship, Prayer, and Sermon Service will be posted on our website (  and church Facebook page ( by 10:30am.

Also, on Sunday at 6pm, I will host a live conference call for Corporate Common Praise & Prayer and discussion. The number to call is (515) 604-9988 and the access code is 961175.


I do want to remind all that I was not able to obtain info about the cancelation of tonight’s event with Gary DeMar at Hope Reformed Baptist Church. However, I would not encourage attendance, as I imagine they might not encourage it either due to the ongoing pandemic. Also,  the XD Movement meeting on Tuesday, March 24th has been canceled and prayerfully we will reschedule our event at BPBC with Suffolk County Deputy Police Commissioner Risco Mention – Lewis.


Lastly, here are some study resources I have compiled in the last few days:

I look forward to using this time wisely and for the glory of God. I hope to connect with many of you through our online forum, emails, phone calls, and other interactive opportunities we might find.

With prayers and blessings,
Pastor Michael Miano

By admin

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