Happy St. Patrick’s Day. May the day rise up to meet you with abundant blessings despite out current dismaying and confusing times. We, the Leadership Committee are currently having discussions about next steps regarding our upcoming planned services and events. Also, plans of outreach for those in need are being considered as well.
To those who felt it best to stay home this past Sunday, please know you were missed, we thought of you, and prayed for you.

Hopefully you have seen our thoughts Regarding the Coronavirus. If not, please visit the following link, http://www.bluepointbiblechurch.org/peace/?p=1968

Also, each week our sermons will be uploaded by Monday morning and a Youtube video to accompany it. Also, our weekly updates will be posted by Friday afternoon.

Here are some links for this week:

Sermon podcast https://www.buzzsprout.com/11630/3039430-st-patrick-s-prayer-a-sermon-on-worldly-fear-vs-fear-of-god

YouTube & Website outline Common Prayerhttp://www.bluepointbiblechurch.org/peace/?p=1970

Stay at peace, be blessed, and continue to praise Him with fruitful lips,
Pastor Michael Miano

By admin

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