Because of our love and concern for our members and attendees at The Blue Point Bible Church, we, the leadership of BPBC, have been in prayer and seeking beneficial information regarding the Coronavirus.

In this update, you will find links to a host of resources from other Christian leaders and ministries to aid our caution and efforts to keep ourselves safe and healthy. Also, we have come up with our own small ‘immediate response plan’.

Due to a relatively small group that gathers at BPBC, at this current time we will keep our services going and our doors open for corporate services and studies. Our two phase plan is as follows:

Phase 1 – Prayer and caution.
We will be wiping everything down a bit extra than usual, encouraging proper and consistent hand-washing, and refraining from close contact with each other. Also, while we celebrate togetherness and fellowship, we will cancel some gatherings as we see necessary.

Phase 2 – BPBC leadership will stay in tune with the news and CDC updates and discerning postponement and cancelation of activities as we see fit. Please keep an eye on your emails and the church website for any updates.

Phone conversations, emails, and texts will be encouraged and offered all the more to those who might discern the best thing for them is to self-isolate.

Also, our Worship Service podcasts will be uploaded early Monday mornings. And, of course, keep an eye out for our weekly updates posted by Friday morning. All of this and more at

Here are a host of reliable and informative links relating to the Church and varied thoughts and responses to Coronavirus:


With blessings & prayer,
Pastor Michael Miano and BPBC Leadership Committee

By admin

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