Blessings in Christ,

I truly hope that this week afforded you ample opportunity for praise and growth. May we praise God for the relationship He has provided for us to have with Him through His fulfilled work. May each of us endeavor to grow in all things we have been provided pertaining to life and Godliness through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

A few and resources and announcements for this week.

I do hope that you have been following along with the devotions I have been posting each morning on the church website ( As I mentioned to Pastor Steve and others this week, the resources are tested and proven to help you discern and learn the voice of God, as well as be further discipled in His grace and truth. Here are this weeks devotional links:

God’s Voice & Missional Discipleship Devotional (Day Seven)

God’s Voice & Missional Discipleship Devotional (Day Eight)

God’s Voice & Missional Discipleship Devotional (Day Nine)

God’s Voice & Missional Discipleship Devotional (Day 10)

God’s Voice & Missional Discipleship Devotional (Day Eleven)


Tomorrow, Saturday, 3/7, we will meet for our Men’s Breakfast at California Diner at 7am.
Also, we will have our Saturday Morning Bible Study at 9am at the church building.

This Sunday, 3/8, is Daylight Savings, therefore remember to “spring forward”. Also, we will have our Church Luncheon after Worship Service (the location is to be determined).


I look forward to fellowshipping and praising Him with each of you this weekend.
By His Grace and Truth,
Pastor Michael Miano


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