Blessings in Christ,

I sincerely hope each of you had a blessed week. If you have been reading through the daily devotions I have posted each morning this week on the church website, I hope that you are continuing to discern God’s voice in your life and growing in your missional discipleship.

Here are the links to the last 5 days of devotions:

I will continue to post them until Sunday, when I intend to be done reading through both the books I am devotionally blogging about.

Another resource I posted this week was the review of Bill Young’s book, Churchism in the Church Age. You can read that review at the following link,

Also, a few announcements for the week.

Tomorrow, 2/29, we will continue looking at the Book of Acts in our Saturday Morning Bible Study at 9am.

Tomorrow night, 2/29, we will have Game Night at 7pm.


I look forward to fellowshipping with each of you at some point this weekend.
In Service to His Glorious Kingdom,
Pastor Michael Miano

By admin

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