Blessings my brothers and sisters,

Prayerfully, you have already begun your day praising the very source of love this Valentine’s Day. In Common Prayer this morning we read a bit about St. Valentine. “A Christian priest in Rome, Valentine was known for assisting Christians persecuted under Claudius II. After being caught marrying Christian -couples and helping Christians escape the persecution, Valentine was arrested and imprisoned. Although Emperor Claudius originally liked Valentine, he was condemned to death when he tried to convert the emperor. Valentine was beaten with stones, clubbed, and, finally, beheaded on February 14, 269. In the year 496, February 14 was named as a day of celebration in Valentine’s honor. He has since become the patron saint of engaged -couples, beekeepers, happy marriages, lovers, travelers, young -people, and greetings.” Also, may we be inspired as Common Prayer edifies us with the words of G.K. Chesterton, “Let your religion be less of a theory and more of a love affair.” May your love for God spill over to your love for your wife, your friends, and your neighbors all the more today.
A few announcements for this week and some resources.

Tomorrow’s Bible study, 2/15 is canceled and we will begin next Saturday at 9am looking at the Book of Acts in an applicational way.

This Sunday, 2/16, we will have a Planning & Marketing meeting after Worship Service. If you have wisdom to share in this area, or have chosen to serve on this committee, please consider joining us.

We are still planning all the details for our 7th Annual FULFILLED Bible Conference. So far we have our Pastors (Miano & Schilling), one of our deacons, Ed Silsbe, along with guests – Dr. Don K. Preston, Mr. Caleb Graham, Mr. Ward Fenley, and Mr. Glenn Hill, as confirmed speakers. I will keep you updated through these weekly emails, however, you can also visit our Facebook event link for more information,

This week I put together my first installment of a study on the “glorified body” of 1 Corinthians and Romans. You can read the blog at the following link,

I look forward to worshipping and fellowshipping with each of you this coming Sunday!

Blessed by His ever-renewing mercy,
Pastor Michael Miano


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