Blessings in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ,

I trust that this week has afforded many blessings to each of you. I have a few updates and resources to share, along with our weekly corporate praises and prayers.

This coming Saturday, 2/8, we will have our Men’s Bible Study at the California Diner at 7am.

Our Saturday Bible study will be canceled. It will also be canceled the following week. We are set to begin a study through the Book of Acts on Saturday, Feb. 22nd.

After our Worship Service this coming Sunday we will have our Church Luncheon.

Here are some resources for your further studying this week:

I compiled another review of Colossians that we finished last during our last Saturday Bible study. You can read that review at the following link,

Also, a while back I had written a blog, “Responding to Unanswered Challenges to FP”. Earlier today, William Vincent responded to my response. You can review his response at the following link (and I believe he provides excerpts of if not a link to my previous blog),

Lastly, For the next month or so, I will be dedicating my studies and podcasts through MGW Apologetics toward two different discussions. One is a long time coming study with Tim Catchim regarding the use of the word “body” in 1 Corinthians chapter 6 and how that might connect to the use of “body” in 1 Corinthians chapter 15. In previous discussions, Tim has asserted that “…if they were committing fornication with their physical bodies. would not Paul’s logic about resurrection necessarily imply that the resurrection is also bodily in that passage? The point is that God will raise their physical bodies, so he has a right to tell them what to do with their physical bodes now.”. My response was showing the correlation to resurrecting being “… their (individual members of the body) acting inappropriate with their physical bodies brings shame to the resurrection of the corporate body.” Tim said that was a “convenient” approach and disagreed. So we have agreed to a more contextual study and exposition. Another longtime coming study, and somewhat similar in theme, is with Ryan Cataldo and his assertion that a reading and review of Romans chapters 1-8 will bear out an individual focus of the resurrection of the dead, rather than my often asserted position of the Corporate Body View (CBV). We have agreed to a contextual study through the chapters highlighting texts that point to the promise of resurrection.

You can stay tuned into that video through these weekly updates as well as by periodically visiting

Instead of a listing our praises and prayers this week. I ask that each of us praise God for the faith we have, an increase in that faith, and prayers for healing and the further building up of our congregation and members. To God be the glory!

I look forward to gathering with each of you this coming Sunday at The Blue Point Bible Church.

By His ever-renewing Grace & Mercy,
Pastor Michael Miano


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