Blessings in Christ,
I hope that each of you have had a blessed week with ample opportunity to lift up praise to God for being rich in grace, mercy, and love. With the reminder of course, that it is through us, that He has chosen to make those things known to the world.

A few announcements;

This past Tuesday I produced a blog regarding baptism and communion on L.I.F.E. w/MGW. You can listen to the podcast at the following link,

Tomorrow’s Bible study, Saturday, 1/24 is canceled.

A few of us attended, and may attend again, the 10 day health conference being held in Melville, earlier today. You can view the different sessions online by visiting their website at,

I was not afforded the time today, however, keep an eye out for a review regarding our Saturday Colossians study from last week, some shared thoughts regarding the importance of reading and learning history from Josephus, and some thoughts about life and death in the Garden of Eden (pertaining to discussion we had in our Wednesday Bible Study). I look to produce those study resources tomorrow.


***Also, please be reminded and attend our BPBC Annual Meeting next Friday, 1/31 at 7pm.


I look forward to seeing most, if not all of you, this coming Sunday.
In Service to Him & By His continued Mercy,
Pastor Michael Miano

By admin

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