Blessings in & through Christ our Lord,

I trust this week afforded you ample opportunity to prosper in all that has been given to us pertaining to life and Godliness. This is the perfect time of year to examine yourself and mark out necessarily Spiritual disciplines and resolutions for an effective and fruitful year. Prayerfully the sermons and resources I have been putting before you more recently had aided you in that regard.

Just earlier today I produced the first podcast of L.I.F.E. w/MGW for 2020. In that podcast I offer resources for review and renewal, namely regarding God’s laws and principles and “guarding your heart” (cf. Proverbs 4:23). Listen to the podcast at the following link,

Also, I published a blog about Renewal & Review for 2019 into 2020. Read that and gain access to all sorts of resources for your edification at the following link,

Here are a few important announcements as we move into the weekend;

Saturday, Jan. 11th, we have our Men’s breakfast at the Blue Point Diner at 7am.

Saturday, Jan. 11th, we also have our Saturday Morning Bible Study at 3am wherein we are continuing our study into the first 2 chapters of Colossians.

And, Sunday, Jan. 12th, we will go out for our Church Luncheon after Worship Service.

You can find other important dates on our monthly calendar at the following link,


I look forward to fellowshipping with all of you at some point this weekend.

By His grace and mercy,
Pastor Michael Miano

By admin

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