Blessings in Christ Jesus,

We have a new year before us, 2020, and new opportunities to see God glorified in and through our lives and our church. May we see His providing the increase and continued answered prayers. Of course, I hope, as I mentioned in last Sunday’s sermon, that many of you have begun developing some resolutions for the new year.

I am currently working on some resources to share, however I wanted to be sure to get this update out, as it is a little delayed. So later today expect another email with a link to a 2020 blog chock full of notes and resources.
A few announcements.

I have created our 2020 Monthly Calendar, here is the link,

Tomorrow, Saturday, 1/4, we will have Bible study at 9am. We will be looking at the context of what was created in and through Christ as referenced in John 1:3 and Colossians 1:16.

I will begin again next week producing podcasts through Power Preterist Radio (PPR). On Tuesdays & Thursdays, L.I.F.E. w/ MGW and on Wednesdays, Chronicles of Josephus. You can listen to past podcasts at the following link,


I look forward to seeing and fellowshipping with all of you at some point this weekend.
In & through His mighty grace,
Pastor Michael Miano

By admin

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