Blessings in Christ, our Lord,

Surely this is a busy and exciting season, prayerfully the next coming days will increase those attributes, namely your celebrating our rest in the Child that was born.

Tonight we are offering an evening of Taizé prayer and reflection at 6:30pm at The Blue Point Bible Church. Taizé is an interfaith, interdenominational, offering of disciplined common prayer. All are welcome. Click the following link to see the Facebook event,

There is no Saturday morning Bible study until 2020.

There will be no Adult Sunday School this Sunday, 12/22. At 10:30am we will be having an early-Christmas Christmas Party 10:30am in the church basement. A short service will be done (Gift of Song, Responsive Reading incl. an exhortation, and a short sermon), then we will participate in a White Elephant. Gifts have already been provided by BPBC.

Also, please be reminded that our Candlelight Christmas Eve service we be at 7:30pm – Tuesday, December 24th.
Just in case you may still need it, here is a link to names for Christmas cards,

I look forward to seeing those of you who are able to join us tonight and/or this coming Sunday for our Christmas party.
By His wonderous glory, mercy, and grace,
Pastor Michael Miano

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